
SCPI Commands

class DpControl[source]

DpControl commands group definition. 4 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 4 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:ENABle
value: bool = driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.get_enable()

Enables/disables downlink power control.


enable: OFF | ON

# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:P
value: enums.PswPowerReduction = driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.get_p()

Defines a power reduction relative to BCCH.


p_0: DB0 | DB2 | DB4 | DB6 | DB8 | DB10 | DB12 | DB14 | DB16 | DB18 | DB20 | DB22 | DB24 | DB26 | DB28 | DB30 0 dB to 30 dB

# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:PFIeld
value: enums.PowerReductionField = driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.get_pfield()

Indicates the power level reduction of the current RLC block.


pr_field: DB0 | DB3 | DB7 | NUSable DB0: 0 dB to 3 dB (excluded) less than BCCH level - P0 DB3: 3 dB to 7dB (excluded) less than BCCH level - P0 DB7: 7 dB to 10 dB less than BCCH level - P0 NUSable: not usable - MS has to ignore PR field

# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:PMODe
value: enums.PowerReductionMode = driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.get_pmode()

Defines the power reduction mode of the downlink power control.


pr_mode: PMA | PMB PMA: power reduction mode A PMB: power reduction mode B

set_enable(enable: bool)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:ENABle
driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.set_enable(enable = False)

Enables/disables downlink power control.

param enable


set_p(p_0: RsCmwGsmSig.enums.PswPowerReduction)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:P
driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.set_p(p_0 = enums.PswPowerReduction.DB0)

Defines a power reduction relative to BCCH.

param p_0

DB0 | DB2 | DB4 | DB6 | DB8 | DB10 | DB12 | DB14 | DB16 | DB18 | DB20 | DB22 | DB24 | DB26 | DB28 | DB30 0 dB to 30 dB

set_pfield(pr_field: RsCmwGsmSig.enums.PowerReductionField)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:PFIeld
driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.set_pfield(pr_field = enums.PowerReductionField.DB0)

Indicates the power level reduction of the current RLC block.

param pr_field

DB0 | DB3 | DB7 | NUSable DB0: 0 dB to 3 dB (excluded) less than BCCH level - P0 DB3: 3 dB to 7dB (excluded) less than BCCH level - P0 DB7: 7 dB to 10 dB less than BCCH level - P0 NUSable: not usable - MS has to ignore PR field

set_pmode(pr_mode: RsCmwGsmSig.enums.PowerReductionMode)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PSWitched:DPControl:PMODe
driver.configure.connection.pswitched.dpControl.set_pmode(pr_mode = enums.PowerReductionMode.PMA)

Defines the power reduction mode of the downlink power control.

param pr_mode

PMA | PMB PMA: power reduction mode A PMB: power reduction mode B