
RepCap Settings

# Range: Nr1 .. Nr2
rc = driver.configure.rfSettings.hopping.sequence.tch.carrier.repcap_carrier_get()

SCPI Commands

class Carrier[source]

Carrier commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands Repeated Capability: Carrier, default value after init: Carrier.Nr1

get(carrier=<Carrier.Default: -1>)List[int][source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:RFSettings:HOPPing:SEQuence:TCH[:CARRier<Carrier>]
value: List[int or bool] = driver.configure.rfSettings.hopping.sequence.tch.carrier.get(carrier = repcap.Carrier.Default)

Defines the hopping list. Each entry equals a channel number. You can specify the 64 entries in any order. The list is sorted automatically from lowest channel number to highest channel number followed by eventual OFF entries. The range of values depends on the selected band. For an overview, see ‘GSM Bands and Channels’

param carrier

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Carrier’)


number: ON | OFF Comma-separated list of 64 list entries (channel numbers) Range: 1 to 124, 940 to 1023 Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the list entry using the previous/default value)

set(number: List[int], carrier=<Carrier.Default: -1>)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:RFSettings:HOPPing:SEQuence:TCH[:CARRier<Carrier>]
driver.configure.rfSettings.hopping.sequence.tch.carrier.set(number = [1, True, 2, False, 3], carrier = repcap.Carrier.Default)

Defines the hopping list. Each entry equals a channel number. You can specify the 64 entries in any order. The list is sorted automatically from lowest channel number to highest channel number followed by eventual OFF entries. The range of values depends on the selected band. For an overview, see ‘GSM Bands and Channels’

param number

ON | OFF Comma-separated list of 64 list entries (channel numbers) Range: 1 to 124, 940 to 1023 Additional parameters: OFF | ON (disables | enables the list entry using the previous/default value)

param carrier

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Carrier’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.rfSettings.hopping.sequence.tch.carrier.clone()