
SCPI Commands

class Pswitched[source]

Pswitched commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

set_action(ps_action: RsCmwGsmSig.enums.PswAction)None[source]
# SCPI: CALL:GSM:SIGNaling<Instance>:PSWitched:ACTion = enums.PswAction.CONNect)

Controls the setup and release of a packet switched GSM connection. The command initiates a transition between different connection states; to be queried via method RsCmwGsmSig.Pswitched.State.fetch. For details, refer to ‘Connection States’.

param ps_action

CONNect | DISConnect | SMS | RPContext | HANDover Connect, disconnect, send SMS, release PDP context, handover command for cell change order